I was looking over the Nine Levels of Submission that was posted on the DsKiosk Yahoo Group today. I need to remember to ask if anyone has a source for this.
I find it interesting how the author breaks down the different levels into behaviors I have either seen in submissives I have met or wish to have in myself. The breakdown has helped me find where I am now and where I would like to go with JD.
Level One is defined as the "Outright Non-Submissive Masochist or Kinky Sensualist." I think I've met these folks a few times in real life and definitley online. In fact, I'd have to say that 75-80% of the new submissives i've met online are of this ilk. They want someone to tie them up and beat them into what they have romanticized to be submission.
Level Two, the "Pseudo-Submissive Non-Slave" is the next group of submissives defined by the list. These are the submissives who might be interested in role playing, but not in servitude or power exchange. To be honest, this is the type of submissive a lot of online Dominants seem to want. They want a play partner without the responsibility of having a submissive.
Level Three is the "Pseudo-Submissive Play Slave." This is the person who likes playing the slave in scene but still maintains the majority of control in scene and out. This level seems to define, to me, topping from the bottom. They will submit but only on their terms and in their time.
Level four is the beginning of a higher level of submission and a greater responsibility on the Dominant's part. Level Four is "True Submissive Non-Slave." I think this is where I currently fall on this scale. I am still looking to gain pleasure from the scene as opposed to gaining pleasure from pleasing my Dominant.
I have, however, experienced Level Five: "True Submissive Play Slave." This is where more of the submissive's pleasure is gained through pleasing the Dominant, even to the point of accepting pain in order to please the sadistic Dominant. As a submissive, this is one of my most treasured memories. I gave myself over entirely to his pleasure regardless of my fear and pain.
Level Six is the next step I'd like to take. This is the "Uncommitted Short-Term but More Than Play Semi Slave." I want to give up all control, to do things for Sir because he asks that they be done and their completion brings him pleasure. My only problem with the definition of this level is that it states that the slave ultimately decides when to serve and when to end the servitude. I would prefer this option be taken away as well.
Which leads me to Level Seven: "Part-Time Consensual But Real Slave." This level would be my preference if I were not married. But because I am, JD does not feel, and nor would R, that JD should have the first choice of my free time. In reality, however, this is the truth. If JD wants to see me, I generally drop anything I'm doing and go to him.
Level Eight: "Full-Tim Live in Consensual Slave," can never be a reality for me. I will not be leaving my husband and therefore have a real-life limitation of being unable to live full-time with anyone else. For short periods I might be able to live away from R but not full-time.
The author of the list admits that Level Nine: "Consensual Total Slave with No Limits" is a fantasy rather than a feasible reality. Everyone has psychological, physical, and/or moral limits that would interfer with this level's accuracy in describing real life relationships.
I think that I am currently at about 5.5 on the scale (at least most of the time). I hope that my relationship with JD can move forward and begin to lean farther toward a Level Six or 6.5.
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