Thursday, June 27, 2002


Yesterday was certainly interesting :).

Only one student showed for class so I listened to her presentation and then sent her home to work on her final exam (it's due Friday). That class has been so utterly frustrating. The soldiers in the class routinely arrived without books, paper or writing utensils. This is the first class I've taught at the college level where students would not do their homework. Of the 8 that started out in the class only two will pass. Two will receive incompletes and will likely fail because I have only had one or two students complete the work necessary to change the incomplete to a passing grade. The rest will fail. Anyone who earns less than a C will have to pay back their tuition assistance money.

After the student left, I sat and worked on the new non-piercing nipple jewelry design. I saw it on a website and thought, "I can do that!" so I did :). I'll post pics later today.

Then I had the lunch date with erissa and pepper. It was a cute little restaurant, but I wasn't terribly hungry. I had a salad. They had stromboli (which was nothing near what I make...mine is BETTER lol) and pizza and bread with alfredo sauce. I knew better than to indulge. I didn't want a sick stomach later in the afternoon. The conversation was mostly inane. I stayed out of it. They did try a couple of times to draw me into commiserating with erissa over the situation with Gloria, Emm, Elizabeth, and TALON, but I didn't bite. I'll be honest, I could care less about that kind of political crap. Sandhills is non-political and will stay that way...thank you very much. erissa even tried baiting me by mentioning that Gloria had mentioned someone named "J" and wanted to know if JD was still seeing her. I told her that to my knowledge he hadn't talked to her in months. In fact, he and I had just mentioned that fact to each other when he was talking about what to expect from erissa at this lunch...that he knew Gloria was somehow involved in the crap and that he hadn't heard from her in months...I haven't hear from her since right after she was allowed to come back to the Sandhills list (BTW...I kept all of this to was just ironic).

R called as I sat down with erissa and pepper. He wanted to tell me he didn't get any more contracts and that the ass from SafetyKleen was scoping his contacts. There is absolutely no honor in these people.

JD called just as we were finishing up lunch. I had been just about to get up from the table when my phone rang. I hope they didn't think I was being too rude as I rushed out of the restaurant to go to him :). I DID warn them that I was waiting for that phone call :).

I arrived at his home to find him shouting into his cell phone. It is always disconcerting to me to find him upset. Let's be honest..he's 6'6", I'm 5'2". If he wanted to, or couldn't control himself, he could seriously hurt me. I admit that my first thought was "Dammnit, what emergency is going to ruin this afternoon's visit." Turns out it was just his daughter on the ex's cell and they were losing the signal. He apologized for me having to arrive to see him that way.

As always, I hesitated to undress. I had locked the screen door on my way in, but there is something about walking into his home and stripping without a definite command from him that makes me uncomfortable. I feel like undressing without his command is assuming his wishes even though he has told me he would tell me if he didn't want me to undress. So I stood there for a moment, uncomfortable and waiting until he asked if I was going to undress. I did so immediately.

He stretched out on the couch and I sat on the floor beside him. He's very aware of and concerned about my problems with kneeling, so it isn't required, though I try to do it when I can. My feet fall asleep rather easily when I kneel and my legs and/or feet cramp up...none of which is conducive to a fun afternoon. He looked through the Smith and Wesson catalogue I'd brought him from MB while I touched and scratched his legs and chest (around the towel rap I made him in January). When he finished reading the catalogue, he beckonned me close and reached under the couch for the collar I haven't seen in so very long.

"I wanted you to remember how this felt."

Those words...God, can I explain how that made me feel? After everything we've been through in the past two or three months, to hear him say this, to see the look in his eyes, to hear the tone of his voice...all the doubts fled, all the harsh emotions parted to leave room for trust and belief once again.

I lifted my hair and let him settle the collar around my neck. The weight was comforting. The kisses were sweet and very welcome.

He leaned back on the couch again to tell me the "chores" he wanted me to do for him that afternoon. My task was going to be to straighten out his toybag (which was a total disaster) and clean the "cleanable" toys. When I moved to start working on this, he asked me what the rush was and why I'd stopped touching him. He really enjoys relaxing as I run my nails all over his body. I love to touch him so I never mind :).

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