Monday, January 23, 2006


“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”
Oh how I know this! I have always enjoyed seeing things "become." I used to like to mow the lawn (despite being allergic) because I liked watching the lines join each other as I methodically moved from one end of the field to the other.

I have been working on a pair of Corcoran jump boots this weekend. I bought them at a pawn shop and while they weren't horribly dull and ugly, they needed care. I polished them once and a friend came by and told me what they should look like. I've spent the rest of the weekend working to reach that point. I can see the light glinting off of them from across the room right now. While I do not ever see myself joining boot black competitions or even performing boot blacking services in public (J said it could be a private endeavor for me), I enjoyed working on these boots because I loved watching the shine come out of the darkness.

Now I need to apply the same mentality to learning other skill sets to make my service more effective and comprehensive. I need to find ways to take "good enough" out of my vocabulary.
[protected post] Thoughts on Obedience
Those who would be slaves must obey and serve *whether or not* they are in agreement with their master's will. They must accept and abide by the structure and guidelines that are laid down for them. They must expect to be held accountable.
-Cyd Athens

The quote is an excerpt from a "Leather Thought" forwarded to a list I am on. In this thought, Cyd Athens looks at the state of being a Master or slave in the past and how that state of being can be brought into the current state of WIITWD.

I find myself relating closely to Athens' statements regarding Masters and slaves. It is not up to me to question J's orders. Rather it is my duty to obey him and trust that he will consider my well-being and health when he issues said orders. I also must expect to be held accountable for my actions or non-actions.

I find myself somewhat embarrassed (because I don't take compliments well) when J speaks to others about my obedience. I am especially uncomfortable when he compares me with other submissives or slaves. But in truth, I am doing only what is expected. I find great comfort in serving within my defined boundaries. When in doubt, obedience is the easiest path for me. I take no pleasure in bratty behavior and often feel embarrassed by it in others. This is now more pronounced because I know how much J dislikes bratty behavior and I can feel him tense up when he is exposed to it.

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