Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I've gotten some amazing compliments over the last several days and weeks but ya know what..they scare me just a tiny bit.

I am NOT perfect and I cringe whenever someone intimates that I might be. And being held up and compared to those I admire and wish to emulate is both flattering and frightening.

It's all for the good much as compliments might make me uncomfortable they do help me see that what I do is well-received.
( More Stuffs )
Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music:wind outside, computer humming inside
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Older thoughts

Jun. 14th, 2006 at 5:07 PM

I'm rolling through my journal's past entries and came across this:

It's funny that I had similar thoughts about my life then as I do now. Thank goodness J believes in coffee time (although honestly he's never been one to tell me no when it came to needing to talk to him). I cannot imagine an M/s relationship in which either party believed one party should have no need for clear communication about needs, wants and desires. The need for communication is apparent in all relationships. What is done with that communication may vary from a vanilla relationship in an M/s relationship.
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Another Older Thought

Jun. 14th, 2006 at 5:15 PM
This one touches a subject near and dear to my heart. I am a firm believer in education as a whole and have thrived in my current relationship because J demands that I learn new things.

Right now I'm plaiting whips...why? Because I thought it would be interesting to learn and J wanted to be able to sell whips.

Funny thing about the whip plaiting...J told me in Atlanta that he hadn't really believed I'd learn because so often in the past people had said they were going to learn something and then never did. I've never been one to do that. If I want to learn something I am often rather dogged about acquiring that skill until I get it. The whips are the same thing.

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