Monday, November 25, 2002

Nov. 25th, 2002

You know, I really was doing okay...

I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I guess I'm feeling sorry for myself. I miss you and I don't have enough to do to keep my brain occupied enough to forget that.

You know, I didn't believe you when you said you'd call every day...but I sure did hope. I've been doing everything I can to make sure things are taken care of here...did laundry for you today, changed the cover on your futon and washed the other one...I check the house...take care of Brandon...I'm trying really hard.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

 Nov. 21st, 2002

I haven't been writing. I don't have an excuse. It isn't that I conciously thought, "I'm not going to write." It's more that I see you nearly every day and talk to you. I do actually think "What damn difference does it make, he isn't reading it anyway." Not a very submissive thought, but the truth.

I'm scaring you off. I can see it in your eyes...the way you looked at me today. I can feel it in the distance you've been putting between us lately. I can be all-encompassing. It isn't something I do to make people crazy, it is just how I am. If I care about someone, I want to take care of them...make their life easier any way I can. And when I care for someone, the thought of them leaving for an extended period of time leaves me weepy.

You said something to me once that has repeated in my head since...left me wondering what you meant by it. You told me that even when you are with others, you still think of me and want to be with me. You said that it bothered you. I wanted to know why it bothered you and you changed the subject. I still want to know why it bothered you.

I know when you entered this relationship you considered me "safe." I was married, therefore there would be no messy emotional entanglements. That safety net is gone for you and though you try to pretend it doesn't bother you, it does. You are nearly as bad a liar as I am.

I don't know what I am trying to say here...Perhaps I am telling you that you have "permission" to care if you want to. Maybe I'm asking for permission from you to take the chains off of my emotions and let them go where they will without fetters. Maybe I'm just setting myself up to get dumped because you don't want more than someone to cater to you when you find it convenient (that is not an accusation...I don't really believe that of you but the doubts ringing in my head and yes, my heart, sometimes scream that at me).

You will be gone for nearly two months. Maybe this is a really good time for both of us to look at our relationship and decide if it is what we want or if there are changes we would want in order to be happy.

I am proud and happy as your submissive but there are times when that role hurts, when it feels like I've wandered into another role only to be pushed back into the box.

Maybe I'm just feeling a little untethered as our relationship takes a rather large turn toward change. I don't expect that you'll be celibate while you're gone. I also don't even know how you might feel about me going out and maybe dating. You seemed a little annoyed when I made that date to play Backgammon (which I got stood up for, btw). I guess I'm asking for a definition of boundaries.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Nov. 16th, 2002

you know, if you don't want to see me, just say so. Don't tell me you're going to call me when you have no intention of doing so. don't leave me waiting for you when you don't intend to bother with me.

Friday, November 15, 2002

Nov. 15th, 2002

I realized something tonight that I'm not sure I'm happy knowing. It really makes no difference one way or the other if I am comfortable with what you do when I'm not with you. My choice is to accept it or not see you. Since I choose to spend time with you, I must accept it.

That doesn't mean I necessarily want to hear about each conquest. I don't mind you talking to me about other women. I don't mind you seeing other women. What I don't like is feeling second best...the booby prize held in reserve in case nothing better comes along. Please know that these are my feelings, not something you make me feel.

I've been home an hour and a half and I am expecting a phone call saying you have other plans and won't be coming or I'll fall asleep and hear from you next week.

I'm feeling sorry for myself. I admit it. I hate being alone. I hate feeling like a lap dog just begging for a little attention. I love spending time with you. I love talking to you, listening to music with you, even watching tv while you play your game. I dislike feeling out of place and out of sorts.

I guess I just need to start dating and stop reading into things you say and do. I need to simply accept the time I have with you as the gift it is and leave it at that.

Monday, November 11, 2002

Nov. 11th, 2002

While I have put a couple of entries in the leather journal, I must admit I haven't been writing for at least a week. I just haven't even thought of it as I've been moving and all.

I miss you. I'll be picking you up tonight and can't wait to see you. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when you are gone for a month. *sigh*

I chatted a lot this weekend. Mostly idiots but did "meet" a nice sounding guy from Ft. Bragg. We might get together to play backgammon some time. Curious how you feel about that...

Friday, November 1, 2002

Nov. 1st, 2002

It was a little strange to wake up from dreaming of you to find you sleeping beside me. Not bad, just odd. I'd gotten used to dreaming of you when I couldn't see you.

I'm a little lonely today. No one but me and Brandon and the cats at home. I watched two movies already and want to save the other two for later in case you can watch them with me. I got 8-legged Freaks and Spiderman...unintentional theme there lol.

I know there was something more important I wanted to write, but I'm not remembering it now. I think I need a nap.

shareinnc ( 
Nov. 1st, 2002 07:19 am (local)
I remembered what I wanted to write.

I noticed something the other day. I rarely notice your height. You are significantly taller than I am but you don't make me feel small as some of the other tall men I've been with have done.

I noticed the other day (when you said you were feeling agressive) that you seemed to tower over me in the kitchen. I wasn't uncomfortable, just noticed it. Any other time, I simply feel very safe and comforted when I'm with you. Just an observation :)