Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013 at 02:36PM

via Facebook I is the day of stupid questions and snotty remarks. Yes, it's Veterans Day. I understand completely and do what I can at my job to honor the men and women who serve our country EVERY DAY. I don't have a special Veterans Day price for you and you snarking off to me that I damn well ought to doesn't help the situation. How many times must I answer the same question for the same person before the answer sinks in? "No, we don't have that film." Really? Yes, really. Why not? Because we didn't get it. But you don't have it? No, I don't have that film. When you call on the phone and say, "I have a question," I wait for you to ask it. I shouldn't have to ask you what your damn question is. /rant

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